Blackberry Trellis: How to Build

Well, I didn’t mind the fence but it was starting to fall apart. It either needed to be repaired or upcycled into something else.

If you need to secure a vine temporarily so it doesn’t come unraveled, take some garden twine and tie it to part of the fence. You can always cut these ties off once the vine grows more and can hold itself to the fence.
I also put four inexpensive wooden stakes around the outside of the trellis. These stakes will keep the bird netting from laying straight onto the blackberry vines.

If you think the stakes will break your netting, you can place an old clean glass jar on the end of the wooden stake and wrap the netting around the glass. The wood stakes do keep the netting in place without moving so be careful when placing and pulling on the netting.
I also use my old fence for a Gutter Garden to grow arugula, spinach, green and red salad lettuce.
Be sure to make these amazing berry recipes at harvest time:
Vanilla Lavender Blackberry Jam