Bullet Journaling One Year Later and What I Have Learned

In a nutshell, I love my Bullet Grid Journal. It is a creative way to organize your daily, weekly, or monthly life. I have kept up with it for a year now and have not stopped yet with no intention of stopping any time soon. It is perfect for people like me who are much more visual learners.
Probably the best part of bullet journaling is the flexibility. What worked for you keeping track of one month doesn’t have to work the next up coming months. I am always changing what I keep track of on a monthly basis. Your journey is your journal. It is great how it is personal to the person making it.
Look at my blog post on how to get started bullet journaling if you haven’t started your own journal.
I stuck with it.
Probably as a surprise to myself, I actually stuck with bullet journaling. When I found it on Pinterest, I fell in love with it. I loved the creative ways to keep up with anything and everything you need to with Colored Pencils, Fineliner Color Pens
, and crafty designs. Since you have to make up all your own pages, it was fun at first but I started to see how I would lose interest in it early in my journaling journey.
But I didn’t. I took each couple of pages month by month. First I made a two-page spread of the month then added a monthly colored chart to keep up with on my daily tasks. Did I take my vitamins? Yes, color it in. Did I work on the blog? No, leave it blank. For my OCD, it actually makes me want to fill in all the cells with colored pencils. It makes me coming back to look at what I need to do or want to do.
It has kept me more organized.
Obviously, it kept me organized. My monthly calendar keeps me going on what is to come and what has happened. Like any calendar would. I can plan ahead for the perfect days to go to the gym, weekend getaway to the mountains, and special school functions.
My monthly chart though is the best organization tool. It helps me organize my blogging needs like when I post articles or recipes, when I work on social media aspect and how fast I am gaining followers and fans. I make it very colorful and visual to make me see in one look where I stand with my work.
Our family financial savings is also organized perfectly too. I have drawn a jar on one of my pages that I love to see filled in monthly as I save for future events like vacations and big purchases.
It has kept me more healthy.
I have been able to keep up with my health a little better too. In my monthly chart, I like to track when I take vitamins, walk more than ten thousand steps, do a circuit of weight training, and the amount of water I drink.
I also have special two page spreads that creatively map out my weight loss journey, body measurements, and a period tracking chart. The menstrual chart is really important to me since I have never been regular and when the nurse asks when my last period was I can finally answer her.