The survey went off without a hitch, and two weeks later, we closed. The closing was smooth and uneventful, which is the way I like them. Thus, the family and I started spending every other weekend on the property in September through November of 2017. Eagerness and excitement drove us on for complete accomplishment. The weather had been dry and cool. Just perfect for camping and working outside all day.
A major clean up was the first order of business. There were some junk and garbage left on the land after we bought it. The front entry gate was unable to close. We cut away small trees, large branches, weeds, and vines from the gate. A large electrical pole laid in the way of the gate, too. Manageable pieces of the electrical pole cut by a chainsaw.
The weeds in the home site area were about waist tall. On the first weekend, we brought our weed whacker to cut a path and a small area where we set up camp. It worked out great but took quite a long time. We cleared the entire home site the following weekend. A wonderful neighbor bush hogged all of it.
This was such a great jump start to our progress on the land. This clearing gave way for us to make a preliminary layout of the dogtrot cabin we intend to build. The clearance gave us a view to see a trail that leads to the natural spring. Finally, we found a hidden clearing which we designated a future carport.
Hiking is a family favorite of ours, and this property has an abundance of trails and future trails. We also cut our way through some of these overgrown trails and also made new ones. These trails will be for recreation but also serve a purpose. The one to our spring is just one that serves a purpose along with the one we made that will go to the future chicken coop. Some future camping sites were also found and so trails were cut to get to them. And finally, we cleaned the path to our girl’s cabins. I intend to make this path much wider than the others for the ATV access to the off-grid cabins.
We love going up to the land and made immense progress. But there are many more things that have made it on my to-do list now that the home site is cleaned up. As a result, we hope to start building the single carport and the future chicken coop that will be used first as a storage shed. I intend to put up my wooden hiking signs on the new trails and start working on the natural spring reservoir for our water source.