Sweater Pillowcase
Going through my closet during the fall of 2016, I realized I had lots of clothes that I either didn’t fit into or I would never wear. I came across a light cable knit sweater that was beautiful but way too big to wear. It just wasn’t flattering. I didn’t know where I got it. So, I thought I would upcycle it and make a pretty sweater pillowcase.
The materials you need.
What is great about this project is that it doesn’t take a whole lot of materials to make. All you need is the pillow to choose to cover the sweater with. It is important because you need this pillow size as a template. Then, of course, you need the said sweater that you will turn into a pillowcase. And then a sewing machine and thread.
Put your sweater pillow together.
First thing you want to do is turn your sweater inside out. Insert your pillow inside the inside out sweater. Make sure you position the pillow in the direct center or in the spot of the sweater you want as a pillowcase. Like for instance, you may want to avoid that coffee or tomato stain you couldn’t get out last year. For me, I wanted the cable knit pattern to be as centered going down the pillow and the buttons to be in the exact center.
Once you have the pillow in the exact place you want it, it is time to pin. Pin along all four sides of the pillow. My sweater stretches quite a bit, so I needed to be careful when pinning so when I sew the pillow won’t be too tight. Now cut the pillowcase out of the rest of the sweater. I like to leave a good 1-1/2 to 2 inches of material from the pins you just placed.
Now comes the sewing. I used a basic sewing machine to make this a faster project, but you can hand sew it too if you want. But firs,t don’t forget to remove your pillow out from the pinned case. My pillowcase has buttons that go down the front, so I ended up sewing all four sides of the sweater case. But if you don’t have these buttons, then you will only want to sew up three sides. You can either sew buttons or a zipper on the fourth side. Now turn your case right side out and insert pillow. And Walla, you have your self a very easy upcycled sweater pillowcase.
On another note, if you don’t have an old pillow that you are using to cover up, then you can measure out the sweater first and later stuff it with pillow stuffing for a prepared sweater pillow.