Wholegrain Mustard Recipe for Water Bath Canning

I started making my own mustard when I would cook dinner and needed some but didn’t have it in the fridge. See, we don’t use a whole lot of mustard so when I did buy it from the grocery store, it would go bad before I could finish it or use it in something else. This was such a waste of money plus, I just never bought it much except for those special dinner dishes. This very reason is why I make my own and can it in small four ounce jelly jars. You can definitely can these in eight ounce mason jars if you use more mustard at one time.
I also never realized how absolutely easy it is to make your own mustard. Soaking your own seeds overnight and then throwing it into a blender until smooth. Boom! Done! To me, it is actually easier then making jams or jellies, no pectin, no Clear Jel.
Mustard is a bit funnier then jellies and jams. It needs to sit without being opened for at least a month before being consumed. The flavors are very strong when you first make your mustard but will mellow out through out time. If you like spicy mustard with a whole lot of tang then use it sooner but personally, I would leave it alone for more then a month.
Also, you may see other recipes call for 1/4 inch headspace in the jelly jars. I have tried this measurement but found it to be not enough room. The mustard expands in the water bath canner and has overflowed my jars causing them to not seal properly. So I have increased it to 1/2 inch and it has seemed to help a lot and all my jars seal now without problem.
Cost to make this recipe.

This canning recipe was taken from Ball’s Food Preserving online website. All images and text are all my own and original to One Acre Vintage Homestead – Pumpkin Patch Mountain Homestead.
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Wholegrain Mustard
Cooking Methods
- Water Bath Canner
- Mason Jars, Lids, and Rings
- ½ cup yellow mustard seeds, …[$1.16]
- ½ cup brown mustard seeds, …[$1.29]
- 1½ cups apple cider vinegar, …[$0.44]
- ⅔ cup water, …[$0]
- 2 tsp. salt, …[$0.14]
- In a quart mason jar, combine all ingredients together and let sit overnight to rehydrate the seeds.
- Next day, prepare your mason jars and water bath canning equipment.
- Pour mason jar into a blender and blend until mustard mixture thickens. There will still be seed showing in the mustard.
- Pour blended mustard in a large sauce pot and warm. You need to pour hot mixture into a hot jar.
- Ladle in hot mustard into hot canning jar with ½ inch headspace, remove bubbles, wipe rim, and top with lid and ring.
- Process in water canning bath for 10 minutes.
- It is best to let mustard sit unopened for at least 4 weeks or more. The hot taste will mellow out the longer it sits.